Depend on itsexcellent performance and credit, recently CNTIC was assessed AAA gradecredible overseas EPC company again in 2011' enterprise credit evaluation ofelectrical and mechanical import and export companies organized by ChinaChamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products(CCCME). On Mar. 9th, 2012, Mr. Jiang Yaoping, vice minister ofMinistry of Commerce, Mr. Zhang Yujing, chairman of CCCME, along with theleaders of China Export & Credit Insurrance Cooperation, The Export-importBank of China and concerned organizations attended "Release Conference onthe Results of CCCME Enterprises Credit Grade Evaluation ". Therepresentative of CNTIC attended the conference and received the board andthecertificate of AAA grade company .
The attainment ofAAA grade credible overseas EPC company is an approval and encouragement forCNTIC in performing honestly, increasing credit and rick prevention constantly,and strengthening and improving the construction of credit system. Take thisopportunity, CNTIC will fully utilize the preferential measures it brings,strengthen the development of the market, and promote business developmenthealthily and orderly.