On morning of 19th November, 2009, Mr. Wang Xusheng, the General Manager of CNTIC Accompanying with Mr. He Tongxin, Board Chairman of Genertec, visited the site of Tukimachi-Angren Railway Electrification Project executed by CNTIC consortium. An introduction to the project’s progress was made to Mr. He Tongxin by the project team. Mr. He Tongxin requires the team to make serious effort on the following commissioning and testing procedures and build a modal project. Mr. He Tongxin paid a visit to the site station and greeted Chinese staff. Mr. Yu Lixin, Commercial Counsellor of Embassy of China in Uzbekistan, the Chief Engineer and General Manager of Uzbekistan National Railway Company, Supervisor of German DB Supervisory Company, staff from CNTIC and Genertec Operation Department visited as retinue.