From May 10 to 14, to implement Genertec’s development strategy and strengthen the synergy and cooperation with sister units in Genertec’s No. 1 Division of equipment manufacturing, CNTIC, according to the arrangement of its strategic synergy, selected young backbones from all business units to form a strategic synergy group for equipment manufacturing and dispatch it to Shenyang Machine Tool Group (SYMG), Shenyang Machine Tool Company Limited (SMTCL), Dalian Machine Tool Group (DMTG), Harbin Measuring & Cutting Tool Group Co., Ltd. (HMCT Group), and Qiqihar No. 2 Machine Tool (Group) Co., Ltd. (QIER) as a way for learning and exchanges in a coordinated manner.

During the five days, members of the group visited production and assembly workshops for various machine tools, vertical and horizontal machining centers, and measuring & cutting tools. They systematically learned the performance, usage, market positioning and advantages of products in the field of machine tools, and comprehensively understood the technical expertise in No. 1 Division. By understanding the political and economic environment, pillar industries and potential demand in other countries, they discussed in learning, complemented each other’s strengths and inspired each other. All the members exchanged ideas on how to seize opportunities in overseas markets and broaden sales channels for machine tools and studied the strategic cooperation between China and other countries and regions. In the next step, members of the strategic synergy group will turn the learning outcomes of visited units into internal training courseware, share them within their respective project teams, and hold business collaboration workshops. All functional departments will ensure that the policy-based guidance, incentive mechanism and cooperation model are put in place so as to lay a solid foundation for industrial synergy and strategic cooperation within Genertec.